100 Barron Drive, East Hall P.O. Box 1000 Institute, WV 25112-1000
The mission of the West Virginia State University Foundation, Inc., is to support the mission of West Virginia State University. The Foundation was established in 1959 by administration, faculty, alumni and friends to receive, manage and administer contributions and gifts for the benefit of the University (the College). The Foundation is a public charity under the Internal Revenue Code – IRC § 501(c)(3). Since its inception, the Foundation has arranged scholarship programs, financial aid for needy students, and support for academic, athletic, community and student projects at the University.
Alumni and friends can make contributions to the University through the West Virginia State University Foundation, Inc. in the form of cash, marketable securities, real estate and other property, and planned giving instruments such as gift annuities, life insurance policies, and trusts.
A Board of Directors manages and operates the Foundation in coordination with a full time staff. West Virginia State University administration as well as the Alumni Association are represented on the Board of Directors. The remaining Directors come from financial institutions, industry, philanthropy organizations, other professions, and community leaders. We at West Virginia State University Foundation are grateful for the generosity of our donors. Contributions make it possible for the Foundation to continue to strengthen the University and to assist deserving students who seek their education at State.
Certain contributions to the West Virginia State University Foundation, Inc. are assessed administrative fees that are used to support Foundation operating expenses, as well as other priority needs determined by the school, college or unit receiving the gift. A 1.5% administrative fee is assessed annually on endowed and temporarily restricted funds.