March 28, 2017:
Registration for the 2017 Eastern Region Picnic at Watkins Regional Park in Upper Marlboro, MD is now available online! For more information, to register for the picnic or to find lodging information, please visit connect.wvstateu.edu/EasternPicnic

January 2017:
The chapter ended 2016 with a joyful pot luck Christmas celebration at the Urban League in Washington, DC.
With the start of 2017, some members of The Metropolitan Washington Alumni Chapter (pictured at left) went to see the movie "Hidden Figures”. Everyone enjoyed the movie, followed by lunch at a downtown Silver Spring, MD restaurant.

Ms. Alexis Wilder, a senior Psychology major at WVSU |
February 2018:
The Eastern Region and Baltimore Alumni Chapter are pleased to announce that Ms. Alexis Wilder was recently awarded the Eastern Region Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Alexis Wilder is from Washington, DC and is a senior at West Virginia State University. At the University, Alexis is a psychology major minoring in criminal justice. Her career aspirations include working as a forensic psychologist who serves as an expert witness in the court of law under the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Alexis has consecutively landed on the Dean’s List since her start at the University. Aside from her studies, she remains active at her institution. She has been the Jazzy Jackettes Dance Line Captain (Spring 2015-present), NAACP Vice President and Ms. NAACP (2016-2017), Sisters of State Board Member (2017 - present), Student Alumni Association Member (2017 - present), Student Government Association's Chief of Staff/Miss Senior (2017-2018), and the Jacket Activities Board Captain (newly reconstructed model of employment initiative began by the Student Life and Engagement Office Staff). Alexis has worked at the University's Upward Bound Program for three years, beginning after the conclusion of her freshman year. She loves to bake, sing, and paint to tap into her creative side, while dedicating time to her academics.
Alexis finds solemn in the biblical verse Jeremiah 29:11, which reads “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” If you ask Alexis what her plans for college were, West Virginia State University would not have been her answer. After visiting the University, falling in love with the genuine hospitality and care, and truly feeling at home, she knew her steps had been ordered by God because State was where she needed to be. State was her place to get a second chance and become a better version of herself. State was where she found her moment to leave her mark and take a chance at every opportunity that she’d once let slip by and those opportunities that were new as well. William James stated ““the great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it” and West Virginia State, Alexis says “is my legacy’s start but it won’t be my end.”